COVID-19 Policy
Health and safety is of utmost importance to Table Creative and we strive to implement measures on every shoot and every meeting to mitigate the spread of Covid-19.
We follow the recommendations set out in the Health and Safety Guidelines for Commercial Photographers by CAPIC.
There will be no disincentive for any person on set, including independent contractors, to stay home if they are sick or isolating.- If we are made aware of any persons present during the shoot becoming symptomatic within 48 hours, all other individuals who were on set on the same day will be informed immediately.
- A complete contact list of all individuals present on set, the times they were present, and their roles, will be maintained to facilitate contact tracing in the event of a positive case. This contact sheet will include names, phone numbers, and addresses. Public Health may request records from up to two-weeks prior to an individual becoming ill.
- All contracts with clients and crew will include a cancellation and postponement policy related directly to Covid-19 health and safety. Production could be postponed or cancelled entirely for uncontrollable reasons related to the pandemic and associated restrictions; this risk will be outlined and a contingency plan in place.
Preventing Transmission
- All shoots will be precisely scheduled ahead of time with healthy and safety measures in mind.
- All shoots will be done for the shortest amount of time possible. Longer times spent in enclosed spaces increases the risk of virus transmission. Shorter shoot times will also allow for additional time to be allocated to cleaning and disinfecting. Additional measures will take extra time and this needs to be taken into consideration and will be scheduled accordingly.
- Scheduling will accommodate for additional cleaning and disinfecting measures when necessary.
- We will ensure that the fewest people possible are on set at any given time. If possible, we will stagger scheduling times to reduce the amount of individuals working.
- All payments will be contactless.
- On the day of the shoot, everyone will be screened for symptoms prior to entering the studio and/or set. Symptoms may include: Fever (temperature checks may be appropriate for large scale productions), Runny nose, Cough, Sore throat, Difficulty breathing
- Anyone with symptoms will not be permitted to enter and will be encouraged to return home and contact their local public health unit for further directives on isolating.
- Anyone who has had close contact within the previous 7 days with an individual that has tested positive for Covid-19 will not be permitted on set (please note that most individuals is this position will have already been contacted by public health and will already be self-isolating at home).
- Anyone who has travelled internationally within the previous 14 days will not be permitted on set.
Physical Distancing & PPE
- The most effective method to prevent transmission is by ensuring all individuals practice physical distancing while on set. The recommended minimum physical distance from public health authorities is 2 meters. We will ensure those on set maintain this distance, including talent, except when the brief calls for closer proximity. In this case, discussions surrounding the safety of this with both client and talent will take place in advance of the shoot date.
- Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) will be worn at all times by every person on set with the exception only of talent when being photographed and by the photographer when shooting due to the screen fogging up when a mask is worn. Note that when either party is in a working situation in which they are unable to don masks or PPE, no other person will be within 2 meters of them.
- Outdoor shoots will be prioritized whenever possible and physical distancing and PPE guidelines will remain in place.
If you have any questions or concerns at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.